Az ICOM UK nemzetközi konferenciája 2021

Nemzetközi hír

Dear colleagues

Hello from ICOM UK.

I wanted to share with you details our ICOM UK 2021 Working Internationally Conference – see below (plus an image attached) – that is open to all ICOM members, UK and abroad, which I would be grateful if you could share with your membership, and I hope you might be interested in too.

Our 2021 Working Internationally Conference is a 3-day online event, 16-18 March, for museum, gallery and heritage professionals.

Each year ICOM UK, in partnership with NMDC (National Museum Directors Council), organises a one-day Working Internationally Conference. 2021 will be a little different. The Conference will be a 3-day online event, with each day focusing on a major global issue:

Social Justice: Museum responses to decolonisation, restitution, Black Lives Matter, representation and youth (Tuesday 16 March)

Museums and Sustainability: Challenges of working in and responding to a changing climate (Wednesday 17 March)

The Future of Museums: Where are we now, and where do we go from here? (Thursday 18 March)

The online conference takes place in March 2021 at a time when major global issues such as the impact of Covid-19, climate crisis, Brexit, and social justice will see museums continuing to reconsider and reimagine their roles in a global and local context, and establish new ways of working.

The conference will bring together speakers from the UK and across the globe to share their insight and experience of responding to changes in the sector and the world around us.

The programme for the conference is here:

If you are not able to attend all three days of the conference, you can choose to book a ticket for only the day(s) you are able to attend.

To register for the conference, please visit:

Please note that when you register from outside of the UK, you will need to say which NC you are a member of and give your ICOM membership number (found on the ICOM card).

If you have any questions or need any further information, please just let me know.

Warmest wishes,



Claire Messenger

ICOM UK committee member