1. ICOM Hungary stands for the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine and condemns the Russian aggression.
2. We call on the parties to the war to protect cultural heritage and the safety of museums' staff and collections.
3. ICOM Hungary strongly urges Russia to respect the 1954 Hague Convention, the UNESCO’s Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, that Russia has ratified and is committed to follow.
4. We support Ukrainian colleagues and museums.
5. We call on ICOM Russia and ICOM Belarus to condemn the war aggression.
6. We support that officially ICOM Russia and ICOM Belarus should not participate in the various ICOM forums, and their membership is suspended unless they are convicted of war.
7. However, we would not ban colleagues of ICOM Russia and Belarus, as many of them condemn the war. But they are not allowed as speakers and not allowed to present their flag.
8. ICOM Hungary suggests that ICOM Russia and Belarus should not appear as a national committee, the President and the Board of those two National Committees shall be banned, and any other members from Russia and Belarus could come under the auspices of their international committee if the committee agrees.
Budapest, 02.03. 2022
Zsolt Sári PhD
President of ICOM Hungary